20162015201420132012State Audits 2016-04 Initial Rate Resolution 2015-02 Initial Rate Resolution Resolution 2015-09 Adoption of Millage Resolution 2015-10 Adoption of Budget Resolution 2015-08 Adoption of Non-Ad Valorem Assessments Resolution 2015-06 Proposed Millage Resolution 2015-07 Proposed Budget FY2016-2021 Capital Improvement Plan FY2016 Proposed Financial Plan FY2016 Proposed Budget FY16 Adopted Budget FY2014-02 Initial Rate Resolution FY2015 Adopted Budget FY2015 Amended Budget FY2015 Proposed Financial Plan Doc FY2015-2020 Capital Improvement Program Resolution 2014-05 Proposed Budget Resolution 2014-04 Proposed Millage Resolution 2014-06 Assesment Roll Resolution 2014-09 Uncollectable Accounts Resolution 2014-08 Final Budget Resolution 2014-07 2015 Millage Rate Resolution Budget Amendment B2015-01 FY2014 Adopted Budget Resolution 2013-06 Assessment Roll Resolution 2013-07 Final Millage Resolution 2013-08 Budget Resolution 2013-05 Proposed Budget Resolution 2013-04 Proposed Millage Resolution 2013-03 Initial Rate Resolution FY2014 Amended Budget FY2014 Adopted Financial Plan 2013 Final Budget 2013 Resolution 2013-03 Initial Rate 2012 Resolution 2012-06 Assessment 2012 Annual Report 2012 Resolution 2012-07 Millage 2014-15 Fiscal Year 2007-08 Fiscal Year 2013-14 Fiscal Year 2012-13 Fiscal Year 2011-12 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Fiscal Year 2009-10 Fiscal Year 2008-09 Fiscal Year 2006-07 Fiscal Year